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The Fundamental Rules for Recruiting Big Data Experts

A job title that you may have heard recently is that of a ‘Big Data Developer’. But what does that mean exactly? Is it a developer who can also analyze data? Or is it a developer who knows Business Intelligence and statistics like the back of their hand? Are Big Data Developers masters of data visualization?

Well, the truth is, it’s a mixture of everything mentioned above, and then some. And they’ve never been more in demand.

Tech unemployment is at a close-to-record low, and the interest in big data is only going to continue to grow. Companies know that they need skilled developers who have certain abilities, such as specialist knowledge regarding Apache Hadoop; Apache Spark; NoSQL; Machine Learning and Data Mining; and Data Visualization, among others.

Big Data Developer: Roles & Responsibilities

So, what does a Big Data Developer do?

Well, they’re the person with the core responsibility of creating and managing the Big Data infrastructure of a company. They also know how to get satisfactory results from huge amounts of data in a short space of time.

The term ‘Big Data Developer’ can be best summarized as an ‘umbrella job title’, under which there are a number of various roles and responsibilities, each with a specific job title. Here are a few of those specifics, according to Big Data Made Simple:

Big Data Visualizer

They are responsible for:

Data Analyst

They are responsible for:

Big Data Solutions Architect

They are responsible for:

What Is The Average Big Data Developer Salary?

In the USA, the average salary is around $124k per year, according to Forbes.

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, the Big Data Developer salary is around £77k on average.

When you compare such rates to the popular outsourcing destinations, such as India or Ukraine, you will notice that there is significant value in outsourcing specific Big Data-related tasks.

A large number of companies are looking to leverage key learnings from data science, but they are coming to a realization that building an internal solution can be both expensive and time-consuming. This is due, in part, to the fact that Big Data Developers are in high demand, and the talent pool is therefore very limited.

Outsourcing can help develop a company’s data science capabilities in a timely manner, without breaking the bank.

Interviewing a Big Data Developer

When interviewing a Big Data Developer, there are certain rules to keep in mind so that you are able to source and recruit the best quality candidates.

Rule One: Don’t Rush It

As with any recruitment, it’s important that you do not rush into hiring the first candidate that comes across your desk. If you can weed out the lower level candidates, you are more likely to build a team of top quality individuals, who will in turn attract similar level candidates.

Hire slowly, when you can, to ensure you are only recruiting the very best. Consider offering a consulting contract, or putting new hires through an evaluation process, to make certain that they are right for you and your organization.

Rule Two: Steer Clear of So-Called ‘Rock Stars’

Building a world-class Big Data development team requires more than just one ‘rock star’. This isn’t an environment for ego; you need a team that pulls in the same direction to achieve your company’s goals and objectives.

Employing a ‘rock star’ and a team of second-rate ‘backing musician’ developers will create imbalance, and possibly resentment from both sides. It also creates dependence on the talented individual, which can lead to bottlenecks during projects.

Although not all developers are created equal, building a team who are closer in terms of their abilities will help raise the game of those around them, improving the knowledge and skillset of your team as a whole.

Rule Three: Shoot for The Moon

It might be tempting to hire the people that you believe will stick around for the long-haul, so as to reduce staff turnover. That being said, not pursuing talent because they are likely to leave to pursue their own dreams is incredibly short-sighted.

The best developers will always shoot for the moon, and you should too. If they seem prepared to stay in one place for the next 25 years, then you’d be within your rights to question their ambition. Instead, you should seek to get the most out of their talent before they move on to pastures new.

Rule Four: Look for a Cultural Fit

The other reason you want to avoid the proverbial ‘rock star’ is that they can be quite difficult to manage. If they strut around believing their own hype, it can have a detrimental impact on the chemistry with their colleagues.

That’s why it’s crucial that you look for a candidate who fits with the culture of your organization. In fact, this can be more important than the skills on their resume.

To that end, bringing a candidate in on a short-term deal or probationary period will allow you to observe how they interact with your other employees, and if they can add value to your company beyond their abilities as a Big Data Developer.

You don’t want an ego running amok; you need someone who can work as part of a team, capable of elevating the quality of work from those around them.

How Can Ignite Help?

Ignite can help you achieve your Big Data dreams thanks to our dedicated development teams, our captive development centers, and the very best Big Data specialists in all of Ukraine.

Utilizing Agile Methodology, we provide a collaborative, motivated, and organized outsourced development service capable of a quick and measured response to change, while providing a focus on continuous quality programming.