Archive for author: Aviram Eisenberg


Financial Risk Management Trends and Software Solutions

Risk management is no longer a buzzword, if it ever was. Slowing economies, social upheavals across the globe, and an uptick in natural disasters highlight the need for corporations to make risk management an i...


5 Hot Trends in Trading Platforms Development

Online trading remains hot, accounting for nearly 59.3% of industry revenue. As millennials make up an increasingly large percentage of the investor market, trading platforms will need to meet their expectation...


E-Procurement Platforms – 5 New Development Trends to Consider

A revolution in procurement processes is quietly underway. For more than five years, electronic procurement, or e-procurement, has been a requirement for companies wanting to do business with the U.S. governmen...


P2P (Peer to Peer) Currency Exchange Trends for Fintech Developers

Driven by the growing global marketplace and the high exchange rates of banks, Fintech startups are disrupting yet another financial service sector: P2P currency exchanges. By connecting buyers and sellers of c...


7 Fintech Outsourcing Trends for a Business Developer

Seldom does the entrepreneurial developer find so much low-hanging fruit as now seen in the fintech industry. With investors providing $5.3 billion in capital to fintech startups during Q1 2016, opportunities f...


7 Big Data Developer Opportunities in Financial Trading

In today’s world of financial trading, nothing is bigger than big data, and for good reason. For an industry whose lifeblood is data, the ability to access and analyze huge and ever changing datasets represents...


How to Identify a Competent Fintech Developer Partner

Fintech startups are having a growing and disruptive impact on the financial service industry. The first quarter of 2016 realized global investments in fintech ventures of $5.3 billion — a 67% increase since Q1...


Debt Management Software Means Golden Opportunities for Business

Software development is a simple affair, really. You identify a problem, and you write a software application that solves it. If you are lucky, you will be the first to solve the problem in this way. But even i...


How to Apply Biometrics in Banking Sector

The era of passwords, PINs, and security questions is drawing to a close. At least, as far as banking and other financial services are concerned. With one major institution after another reporting that their cu...


Direct Carrier Billing: The New Way to Pay?

If asked which technology had owned up to its promise to simplify the lives of its users, few people would point to the cell phone. With the relentless barrage of emails, texts, account balance alerts, and voic...